In Alicante, the New Year and Christmas holidays begin in December. Fairs are organized in the squares of the city, where residents and tourists can buy Christmas gifts, decorations and Spanish cuisine.
Initially, Christmas in Spain was an exclusively religious holiday. Believers gathered together to mark the date of the birth of Jesus Christ with the help of prayers and special services. However, over time, folk customs and rituals were added to the religious aspect, many of which have survived to this day.
When applying for a Spanish visa, you must prepare a package of documents. They must meet certain requirements. Color photographs must be clear, taken strictly on a white background. The application form must be completed in English or Spanish only. The validity of the passport at the time of visa issuance must be at least 3 months.
A tourist visa is required for all citizens of countries that are not part of the Schengen area. Schengen allows you to visit Spain and other countries of the agreement. Citizens of some countries have the right to visa-free entry for a limited period, so it is necessary to clarify the current information in advance.
Adapting to life in Spain is not an easy task. How to apply for legal status, where to look for a job, how difficult it is to learn Spanish - all this we will discuss further.
The benefits of living in Spain attract citizens from all over the world. Most come to the country for permanent residence. The desire of families to leave for Spain is explained by its rich culture, mild climate and the ability to quickly find a job.