Many foreigners seeking Spanish citizenship are often interested in the possibility of having dual citizenship. In accordance with Spanish law, this is allowed under certain conditions. A person who has dual citizenship has a full range of rights and obligations corresponding to both countries. There are clear rules for resolving legal issues and prioritizing rights and obligations.
The main factor in this situation is often the place of permanent residence of a person, since it affects a number of important points: the procedure for obtaining passports, the exercise of civil and political rights, employment opportunities and social benefits, as well as the fulfillment of obligations for military service.
At the moment, Russians do not have the opportunity to obtain dual citizenship with Spain, which is due to the lack of a bilateral agreement governing dual citizenship between Russia and Spain.
Such arrangements generally allow nationals of both countries to have the nationality of each without requiring them to renounce their original nationality.
When there is no such agreement, Russians seeking Spanish citizenship will have to renounce Russian citizenship, and vice versa. This requirement is based on the laws of both countries, which include the condition of renouncing other citizenships as a mandatory step to obtain a new citizenship or to maintain the status of previous citizenship.
Spain has signed dual citizenship agreements mainly with states where Spanish or Portuguese are official languages. These countries include most countries in Latin America, as well as Andorra, the Philippines, Equatorial Guinea and Portugal. Citizens of these countries can retain their original citizenship by obtaining Spanish citizenship.
There are several ways to acquire Spanish citizenship:
It should also be borne in mind that Spanish nationality can be lost in the following cases: