How to celebrate a wedding in Spain.

A wedding in Spain is a bright and multifaceted event that combines traditions, rituals and modern elements, creating a unique holiday atmosphere. Spanish weddings are famous for their warmth, emotionality and deep respect for cultural customs.


Traditions and rituals


Pre-wedding customs

Preparation for a wedding in Spain begins long before the celebration itself. One of the traditional customs is the presentation of an engagement ring, which is customary to give at an engagement. The ring symbolizes the promise of a future marriage and the love of the couple. In some regions of Spain, it is also customary to hold pre-wedding parties, which bring together close friends and relatives of the newlyweds.


Wedding dress and suit

The bride's wedding dress in Spain is often luxurious and sophisticated. The white color symbolizes purity and innocence. In some regions, it is customary for the bride to wear a black mantilla, a lace scarf that symbolizes devotion and humility. The groom usually wears a classic suit, although modern weddings often include looser styles and individual preferences.


Wedding ceremony

A traditional wedding in Spain often takes place in a church, and the event is accompanied by many ceremonies. One of the most important moments is the exchange of wedding rings, which symbolizes the connection of two hearts and lives. The ceremony also includes the blessing of the priest, the reading of prayers and the exchange of vows. In some cases, the bride and groom tie their hands with a scarf or rope, symbolizing the unity and indissolubility of their union.


El arras

One of the unique rites of a Spanish wedding is "El arras". During the ceremony, the groom gives the bride 13 gold coins, which symbolize his willingness to take care of her and financial stability in their future. These coins are also a symbol of prosperity and good luck.


Leaving the Church

After the ceremony, the newlyweds leave the church to loud applause and shouts of "Vivan los novios!" (Long live the newlyweds!). Guests throw rice, rose petals or confetti to wish the couple happiness and fertility.


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Wedding banquet and evening entertainment

A wedding banquet is an integral part of a Spanish wedding. It usually starts with a cocktail section, where guests are offered a variety of snacks and drinks. This is followed by lunch or dinner, which consists of several courses, each of which is carefully thought out and exquisitely prepared.


Toasts and speeches

During the banquet, it is customary to make toasts and speeches. Parents, friends and close relatives share their wishes and stories about the newlyweds, which adds a special atmosphere to the celebration. Toasts are accompanied by glasses of champagne or cava, a Spanish sparkling wine.


Dance and music

Dancing plays an important role in a Spanish wedding. The first dance of the newlyweds is a moment that all guests are waiting for. After that, the fun begins: traditional Spanish dances such as flamenco and paso doble are replaced by modern rhythms. The music can be live or include DJ performances, depending on the couple's preference.


Modern elements and individual features

Modern Spanish weddings often include elements that reflect the personal preferences of the newlyweds. These can be themed decorations, unusual venues such as beaches or historic castles, as well as various entertainment programs.


Birthday cake

A birthday cake is one of the key moments of a wedding banquet. It can be both traditional and modern in design, but it always symbolizes the sweetness of family life. The newlyweds cut the cake together, demonstrating their unity.


Fireworks and light shows

In some cases, the wedding ends with fireworks or a light show, which adds even more magic and memorability to the celebration. This spectacular end to the holiday leaves an unforgettable impression on the guests and the newlyweds themselves.



A wedding in Spain is an unforgettable event filled with traditions, rituals and unique elements. Each wedding is special in its own way, reflecting the personal stories and dreams of the newlyweds. Spanish weddings are renowned for their soulfulness and vibrancy, creating memories that will last a lifetime.