Business plan for a start-up visa to Spain

One of the ways to get a visa and apply for legal status in Spain is a program for startups. This project has been actively used in the past few years, and the government supports entrepreneurs who want to contribute to the development of the economy.

Why choose Spain?

Spain is a country that is part of the European Union, whose economy is booming. The government is well aware that active development requires investment, so it offers interesting conditions to entrepreneurs from different countries. The program is designed for specialists from different fields, but the main requirement will be a real contribution to the economy. The difference from the program for issuing visas for investments is that applicants do not need to invest a lot of money in their business. By providing a competent business plan, you get legal status, tax breaks and even help from local authorities.


How to get a visa for a startup

The procedure for obtaining a startup visa takes place in several stages:

  • Preparation of documents. You need to collect a package of documents and prepare a detailed business plan for a start-up visa to Spain.
  • Applying. All documents are submitted to the consulate or embassy of Spain, it is impossible to apply for such a visa on the territory of the country itself.
  • Obtaining a visa. The review period is usually about one month, after which the applicant is informed of the decision. Then it remains only to get the visa itself, go to Spain and apply for a residence permit on the spot.

A start-up visa provides some advantages in taxation, so many businessmen are considering this possibility with interest.

Business plan - how to make and what you need

If you decide to do business in Spain and use the startup visa program for this, you should carefully consider the preparation of a business plan. It is this document that will be the basis of the entire package of certificates, the decision on the issuance of representatives of the commission is made individually for each appeal.


The business plan should give a complete picture of what the company will do and how you will contribute to the local economy. A special place is occupied by a detailed description of how you will operate finances and whether you have the means to operate the company. For example, you can attract banks and get a loan from them to do business. Before drawing up documents, we advise you to carefully study all the stages from collecting all certificates to opening an account.