The cost of utilities in Spain

One of the most important items of expenditure when living in Spain is the payment of utilities. The system of payment for services is different from the one to which we are accustomed in Russia. We advise you to carefully study everything, as non-payment of utility bills in Spain can be a serious problem.

The main differences

First of all, we note that you have the right to choose a service provider yourself. Each company offers a number of tariffs, so before concluding a contract, it is worth studying all the rules and offers. The contract is concluded for a certain period or may not have a time limit. By the way, you will have to pay the minimum tariff even if no one lives in the apartment. It is possible to turn off the supply of electricity, water or gas to the apartment during your absence. But upon arrival, you will have to pay for the connection, which costs several hundred euros.


The calculation system differs in that the cost of utilities in Spain can be fixed or floating. Customers can often choose which tariff to pay for services. We offer to discuss all the payments that you have to pay during your stay in Spain.



For electricity, you can choose between a fixed or floating tariff. Invoices are issued twice a month, which is a significant difference from the usual Russian system.


A fixed tariff is a system for accounting for expenses at one cost, regardless of related factors. The floating tariff is interesting because the price depends on the market price and can change within one day. So, during the day there is a period when the tariff is reduced and it is better to plan household chores in accordance with this schedule.



With regard to payment for water, you can choose to pay by meter or a subscription rate. In the first case, the invoice is issued according to the meter readings. The price per cubic meter is calculated in the ratio of the total expenditure, but 16% of value added tax is also added to the resulting value. The subscription fee is charged once per quarter, regardless of the amount of spending.



In Spain, gas is used both for cooking and for heating the house. If you don't need a heating system, you can use gas cylinders that connect directly to the kitchen equipment. In the case of connecting to the central gas supply line for heating, you will have to pay for this service based on the amount of living space.


Garbage  disposal

Each owner or tenant must pay for garbage collection. The invoice is generated once a month, but this service is not expensive. As a rule, the amount of this payment rarely exceeds 5-6 euros. 


Internet & Telephone

In this respect, much coincides with Russian realities. Each house has a landline telephone line, but the telephone itself may not be available. The line is used to connect to the network, payment is calculated only for the use of the Internet or includes the installation of a landline phone.


Most companies that provide such services also offer to connect satellite TV. Usually, the tariff includes several channels, among which there are not only Spanish-speaking, but also television from other countries. 


The cost of maintaining the apartment

If you are the owner of the apartment, in addition to standard payments, you still have a number of expenses:

  • cleaning of the territory of the residential complex and common areas;
  • pool cleaning and gardening services;
  • concierge fees;
  • maintenance of the gym.

The maintenance is carried out by the tenants themselves, forming a community of owners. At the meeting, the president of the local community is elected, who will be responsible for compliance with all requirements for maintaining cleanliness.


Cleaning and cleaning are carried out by third-party companies, but the choice depends on the residents themselves. Representatives of such a company give all the information about the cost of services and conclude a contract, the payment is divided among all residents of the house. In addition to the direct costs of maintaining order, you need to pay for the work of employees of the management company. These employees monitor the performance of all work, keep records and select performers of the assigned tasks.


The cost of maintaining a house or villa

Owners of villas and houses pay utilities in Spain according to the general scheme, but they will have additional costs for the maintenance of the territory. On average, the costs are as follows:

  • Payment for electricity. The amount of the bill depends on how you use electricity and what kind of living space you own. Owners of small houses that have a gas heating system spend about 70 euros on electricity every month.
  • Water. Most houses have a swimming pool, the maintenance of which belongs to the category of water supply costs. In addition to paying for the water spent on household items, you need to pay for filling the pool. Only for this service you will have to pay from 90 euros per month.
  • Gas. If you use gas only for cooking, one cylinder will last you several weeks. When gas is used to heat the house, the price for this service increases several times.

Own housing almost always includes the local area. Most residents hire specialists to take care of the garden, who will monitor the condition of all green spaces and turn the garden into a beautiful picture. The salary of such an employee is usually up to 200 euros per month.


Tax payments

Standing payments are not only payment for various services, but also payment to the state. If you are the owner of an apartment or house, you need to pay council tax. This payment is made once a year, the amount is set by the municipality and depends on the cadastral value of the property.    


The following mandatory tax applies only to non-residents of the country. In the event that you stay in Spain for more than 183 days a year, you receive resident status and you need to pay income tax. Those who travel frequently outside Spain and the duration of their absence from the territory is 183 days, they remain non-residents. However, even in this case, you will have to pay a special income tax. Property owners are charged a tax of 24.75% of the accrued income, which is 2% of the cadastral value. This rule applies to each owner, but when renting out housing, the tax amount is reduced to 24% of the specified income.         

How to save on utility bills in Spain

Monthly payments for owners of apartments or private houses can be quite high. We suggest applying a few tricks that will help reduce costs, but do not go against the law.


First of all, we propose to approach the issue of saving rationally. Replace standard lamps with modern LED light sources. These devices consume much less electricity and can be supplemented with conventional lighting with motion sensors so that the lamps turn off when there is no one in the room. If you live in an apartment building, do not forget about the maintenance of elevators. Once every few years, you should contact a service company and order a routine inspection. Customers who cooperate with one service company can count on discounts and lower rates.


Payment of wages to an employee of the management company seems to be an extra expense item, but you can't do without such a person. The employee draws up reports on the state of communications, monitors the quality of the repairs made and becomes a representative of the community of residents.


Another way to save money is to choose the right insurance. Homeowners in an apartment building are required to enter into an insurance contract, but different companies offer different conditions. You can find out in advance how much insurance costs and calculate whether it is worth concluding a contract with this particular company. The issue of saving should be approached with extreme caution and take into account not only how much you managed to save, but also how much it will be beneficial to you in the future. For example, cutting off the electricity supply for the duration of the trip seems like an attractive idea. But upon arrival, you will have to pay for the connection, the cost of which is much more than the monthly payment at the minimum rate.