TOP 10 cities to live in Spain

Spain is a modern European country that has become very popular with Russian immigrants. If you also decide to change your place of residence and choose this direction, we suggest exploring the top 10 cities in Spain to live in, collected by experts in this matter.


The capital of the country, which is suitable for fans of megacities, entrepreneurs and young people. The total number of inhabitants reaches 3 million, there is no access to the sea, but there is a small river. There is a high standard of living, so housing prices will be higher than in other regions. The city has a well-developed transport network, many cafes and a lot of interesting sights. This city is usually chosen by entrepreneurs, as the economy of the region is very developed and there are always a lot of jobs in Madrid. Quite often there are students, because there are several of the largest higher institutions in the country. 



Barcelona is the cultural capital of Spain and a major tourist center. The city is located on the Mediterranean coast, so here you can fully enjoy the mild climate of the maritime region. Nearby there are not only sandy beaches, but also various attractions that are so beloved by tourists from all over the world. This direction is usually chosen for permanent residence or for investment. For example, you can purchase real estate in this area and earn money by renting.   



This city is unique in nature, as it is perceived by many as an island of immigration. A large number of foreigners live here, so many immigrants begin their journey in Spain from this coastal town. There aren't many attractions, but business is booming. At any time of the year, you can find a job, inexpensive housing and meet with compatriots. 



A large metropolis, which is located in the southeastern region on the seashore. There are quite a lot of inhabitants here, the total number is approaching the metropolitan figures. The city has many cultural and historical attractions, well-equipped and comfortable beaches, as well as unique restaurants. The tourist region has a high cost of housing, but instead of Spanish, you can communicate in English. Since the city is visited by a large number of tourists, workers from different fields speak this language perfectly.



The center of the northern province, where every visitor will find a lot of interesting places to relax and excellent living conditions. The city is popular, so the economy here is booming and the number of small companies that have just started their growth is constantly increasing. If you plan to open your own business, it is best to choose a fairly large city. In such conditions, you will be able to develop your business faster and start making a profit. 



The city is located on the river, but here visitors are waiting for cultural recreation. Instead of beaches, you can stroll along the ancient streets, visit beautiful castles and visit ancient churches. This destination is becoming more and more popular with tourists from all over the world, who will no longer be surprised by a clean beach and large shops. Beautiful landscapes, original architecture and a huge number of business opportunities for all directions.  



A small town in the south of the country, where about 700 thousand people live. The climate is very mild, the streets are decorated with old buildings and living in such a place cannot but give a romantic mood. The city is not considered a tourist destination, but every year hundreds of fans of passionate Spanish dances and history buffs come here. Such popularity is the main reason that in the local economy there is always work for specialists of any category.  



If your goal is work, we suggest going to this port city. This is the transport hub of the country, so there are always many jobs here. It is interesting that Malaga is regarded by many not only as a working region, but also as a great place to relax. Snow-white beaches, warm sea and tall palm trees on the edges of each road create a great atmosphere for every person.



The resort city, which is considered the center of Spanish tourism. Despite the fact that this holiday destination is very popular, there are few Russians and most of the local population speaks only Spanish and Valencian. Many applicants for a residence permit purchase real estate here, which becomes a passive source of income and gives the right to apply for legal status. However, here you can not only earn money, but also live all year round. Mild climate, beautiful beaches and many historical sites - this place will be the perfect home for your family.  



A city in Castile, which is the capital of the region. Tourists come here who want to get acquainted with the history of the country and are ready for long walks along the narrow old streets. By the way, it was here that the great Spanish writer who gave the world Don Quixote lived and worked. In this place, you can not only stroll through the largest museums, but also admire the amazing landscapes. Many couples from different countries flock to the city, so this region is mainly chosen by those who are looking for a quiet life.

Each city in Spain has its own charm and focus. If you decide to go to live in Europe and your choice fell on Spain, we suggest weighing everything and consulting with experts. For example, large metropolitan areas are best suited for finding a job. Despite the great competition, it is easier to find a job here and you can get a job with maximum comfort in any language environment. Students are more likely to choose smaller cities, but do not settle in remote regions. Future property owners are looking for residences in tourist regions in order to use the invested funds for their intended purpose and rent out the purchased house. There are a lot of options, so it is worth analyzing each of them.