Schools in Spain: how everything works, features of admission

The Spanish education system is multi-level and diverse, providing students with a wide range of study programs. The overall structure includes several levels of education, ranging from primary school to higher education.

Primary education:

Primary school (Educación Infantil) is designed for children between the ages of 3 and 6 and includes pre-school education cycles.
Compulsory primary education begins at the age of 6 from primary school (Educación Primaria) and lasts until the age of 12.


Secondary education:

Secondary school (Educación Secundaria Obligatoria) provides basic education from the ages of 12 to 16.
After basic training, students choose between secondary school (Bachillerato) or vocational training.

Higher Education:

Higher education is available at universities and institutions of higher learning. Students can earn a bachelor's, master's, or doctoral degree.
The Spanish education system strives to provide a high level of education and a well-rounded training for students at all levels of education.


Schools in Spain: Features and Opportunities


1. Public Schools:

Spanish public schools are the foundation of the education system. They provide free education by adhering to set standards.


2. Private Schools:

Private schools in Spain often offer additional resources and an individualized approach to learning. They demand tuition fees.


3. Russian and English Schools:

Russian and English schools in Spain provide instruction in the native languages of students, preserving cultural and linguistic features.
The Spanish education system strives to provide comprehensive and high-quality training at all levels, taking into account the needs of a diverse student body.


Entering School: How It Works


1. Admission Process:

Admission to Spanish schools is done by filling out an application and providing the necessary documents, including a birth certificate, a medical card, and a residence permit.
Eligibility criteria include age, place of residence, and availability.


2. Russian Schools:

Admission to Russian schools requires compliance with certain rules and passing language tests to assess knowledge of the Russian language.
Often, in Russian schools, attention is paid to the preservation of the native language and cultural traditions.



3. Private Schools:

The admission process to private schools includes the submission of letters of recommendation, test scores, as well as participation in interviews.
Factors influencing selection may include academic achievement, extracurricular achievements, and a student's personality traits.

Understanding the process of admission to Spanish schools and the peculiarities for Russian and private educational institutions will help parents to effectively choose the best options for their children's education in Spain.