Immigration to Spain from Russia

Immigration is a serious decision that cannot be made without thinking about the whole situation. If you are determined to change your place of residence and have chosen Spain as your new homeland, you will be interested to know how to move to this country.

Why do people choose Spain for immigration?

Immigration to Spain has become a popular way to change your permanent place of residence and the reasons for this decision may be different. Entrepreneurs choose this country because the local economy is booming and there are plenty of opportunities for growth and development. Young families go to Spain for new experiences and opportunities, students can choose to study at ancient universities and the level of medicine in the country is invariably high.


The country's government actively supports immigrants and develops programs that provide an opportunity to obtain legal status, find work and become a full member of the local community. The process of paperwork for legalization is quite complicated, but with the right approach, you will receive a residence permit a few months after entering the country.


Preparing for immigration

The peculiarities of immigration to Spain in 2023 are that you will have to be very careful about the preparation of documents. At the moment, there are several programs for which a visa is issued, but each of them has its own characteristics. If you decide to go to Europe for new opportunities, you have to go through several main stages.


Obtaining a visa

This is the most difficult stage, since without a visa you will not be able to enter the country. The easiest way to get a tourist visa, as it is issued when applying to the consulate and in the presence of air tickets and a booked hotel. This will be enough to obtain a visa, but this type of entry permit has a strict time limit, does not allow you to work and you do not have grounds for obtaining a residence permit.


Those who are going to stay in Spain for a long time need to apply for another type of visa. Today, there are several programs for entering the country:

  • Study visa. This visa is available for those who are going to study in Spain and have already paid for their studies. Basically, language centers are chosen as an educational institution.
  • Investor visa. If you plan to do business, you will need a visa that gives you the right to do business. In this case, it is necessary to invest in local companies, buy debt or purchase real estate in Spain.
  • Visa for a startup. For those who plan to start their own business, the government of the country offers to take advantage of special opportunities. You will be required to have a detailed business plan with a description of the idea and the approval of the commission.
  • Working. If your employer is located in Spain, a visa is issued, which gives you the right to work in the country. This is a more complicated process, as you need an invitation from the company you plan to work for.

Each program has its own requirements, so it is important to study all the features before collecting documents.


Finding a place to live

The modern world is arranged in such a way that you can easily find housing in Spain while in Russia. One of the easiest ways to immigrate to Spain from Russia in 2023 is to buy a property. To find a suitable object, we suggest contacting an agency offering such services. Here you will be offered a complete database of offers from different regions and help with paperwork.


Housing in Spain can be purchased with a mortgage, which will also be an excellent solution for many. Local banks have developed several offers for foreign citizens, which you can take advantage of, provided that all the requirements are met. The real estate market in the country does not differ from the market with similar services in Russia, so you can buy both a small apartment in the city and a rather expensive villa by the sea.


Job search

Some go to Spain with the clear goal of finding a job, and this issue can also be dealt with in Russia. In the same agency where you will be helped to apply for a visa, you can get acquainted with the list of offers from Spanish employers. Most of the vacancies are designed for specialized specialists and knowledge of at least one foreign language will be one of the main requirements.


If you are already in Spain, we suggest using specialized portals. At the moment, there are quite a lot of Russians in the country who just stayed here to live and do business. This has created a new job market for Russian speakers, so you can find a job in any specialty.


Learning Spanish

Preparation for immigration to Spain from Russia should begin with learning the language. English is not so popular in the country, so we advise you to be patient and textbooks. There are many language centers in the country that recruit groups of adult students. There are also courses at universities and it will not be difficult to find a suitable training program.


Advantages of immigration to Spain

Spain is a member state of the European Union, which already provides many advantages. First of all, you will be able to move around other European countries of the Commonwealth without any problems, as you are a legal resident. Most of those who go to Spain for permanent residence note business opportunities. The Spanish economy is considered one of the most stable in Europe, so there are all conditions for entrepreneurs of different categories.


Of course, it is impossible not to note the opportunity to receive high-quality medical care. The level of medicine in Europe is very high and you will have access to all services if you have legal resident status. Families with children choose Spain for its mild climate, rich cultural heritage and opportunities for children. There are several ancient universities, many prestigious schools and you can get an education of the European level, which is recognized all over the world. Many people think about immigration from Russia to Spain because of the country's location - the sea coast, the amazing mountain landscape and the most popular resorts in the world.


Investment in Spain

The visa by investment program is very popular, as applicants get the opportunity to apply for legal status, receive passive income and develop their business. The main conditions of the program:

  • investments of at least EUR 2 million in debt obligations;
  • investments in the amount of 1 million euros or more in shares of local companies;
  • purchase of real estate worth half a million euros.

You can choose one of three directions and draw up documents as an investor or property owner. This method is beneficial in that you can immediately apply for a residence permit and get legal status. In addition, your family members also get into the program and receive a visa with the same admission.


The advantages of this method will be the fact that you do not need to take an exam for language proficiency. By the way, the government does not restrict the rights of owners, so the purchased housing can be used as passive income and rented out. The investment cannot be withdrawn, but after the five-year period, you will have this opportunity. By this time, you will be able to apply for permanent residence and later apply for citizenship.


Residency in Spain

Resident status means that a foreign citizen has issued a residence permit and expects to stay in the country. From the moment you cross the border, you will have 90 days to maintain non-resident status. Next, you need to leave Spain or start obtaining legal status.


Residency is available for the following categories of foreign citizens:

  • foreigners who plan to invest heavily in the local economy, are going to buy real estate or start their own business in the country;
  • highly specialized specialists who have signed a working contract with local companies;
  • citizens of other countries who have a regular income outside of Spain, so they do not plan to work here;
  • students of higher educational institutions and pupils of secondary schools;
  • spouses of Spanish citizens and their descendants;
  • Refugees;
  • foreign citizens who are in the country illegally;
  • family members of foreign citizens who have received a residence permit.

Depending on which category you belong to, you will have to use a specific program and prepare documents according to the list. The list of documents for obtaining residency in most cases will be the same and includes basic certificates confirming identity, availability of funds and a registered address for residence.


Tips for those who are going to immigrate to Spain

If you decide to go to Spain and become a resident of the country in order to obtain citizenship later, it is important to carefully prepare for the registration procedure. It is best to study all the requirements in advance and consider different programs in order to later choose the best option for yourself or your family. Here are some tips to help you decide which visa you need.


Decide for what purpose you are going to Spain

This is the most important question, since the procedure for processing documents and the procedure for obtaining a visa depend on it. If your goal is to open your business here and become a successful entrepreneur, choose a visa that will give you the right to work. Businessmen who want to start their own business can use the investor program or write a detailed business plan to get a startup visa. For those who want to try their hand and take a closer look at the culture of a European country, we recommend choosing the option with a study visa. Such documents are quite easy to issue and only fully paid training courses are the main requirement.


Determine the available budget

A lot depends on how much money you are willing to spend on moving. When purchasing real estate, you can count on a residence permit, but the value of the object must be at least half a million. However, you can take advantage of loan offers from local banks and pay only part of the required amount. If you do not have the required amount, but have a ready-made idea for a business or investors, use the program for startups. When calculating the required amount, it is necessary to take into account that in addition to the specified amounts for investment or purchase of housing, it is necessary to provide confirmation of the availability of funds for living in the country. The amount of this amount depends on which region you are going to leave for and how many members of your family will accompany you.

Don't give up your legal status

The problem of illegal immigration in Spain is solved quite simply, and the government is doing everything possible to provide foreign citizens with all opportunities for legalization. Some foreigners enter the country as tourists, but after the expiration of the visa, they simply remain in Spain and become illegal immigrants. Even so, you have the opportunity to obtain residency, and it is better not to give up this opportunity.  


The main recommendation will be to contact specialized companies that assist in obtaining legal status. Such agencies work with different programs, so they offer different ways to apply for a visa and residence permit. They can offer a database of real estate objects for purchase or help you find a job, tell you how to collect documents correctly and become your official representative in municipal bodies. Moving to Spain is quite possible, it will only require your desire, attentive attitude to the requirements and the help of professionals!