Startup visa to Spain

For all questions
Preparation Assistance
Quality Assurance
and reliability

A startup visa to Spain is a great opportunity to develop your business in the European economy. This visa differs from standard offers in that it can be obtained for an existing or prospective startup. Not only do you get an official status with the right to work in the country, but you will also be able to conclude a contract with the ministry for the implementation of your project.  

Valid for 1 year
There is a possibility
Renewal of residence permit for startups
visa in Spain
according to the simplified scheme
After 5 years of residency
on the territory of the country
it is possible to obtain permanent residence

A residence permit in Spain for a startup can be obtained by anyone who offers an innovative business project. You may already have production launched or you only have a business plan with a description of the model - the ministry does not set strict requirements for applicants. As a rule, the usefulness of the business and its potential are assessed, as well as your future contribution to the country's economy is analyzed. You should prepare for a visa on this basis seriously, as your work will be evaluated according to various factors.


The advantage of the applicant will be work experience in a certain field, knowledge of the Spanish language and the availability of investments. By the way, it is better to look for investors in European countries and enlist their support in writing. 


Requirements for obtaining a startup visa

Requirements for applicants:
Age over 18 years;
Citizenship of a country that is not part of the EU;
Absence of criminal records and violations in relation to stay in the country;
Experience in the chosen field;
Availability of successfully implemented projects;
Proof of financial solvency;
Proof of qualifications.
In addition to the documents listed above, it is necessary to provide all the information about the startup.


Our Advantages

Our service is set up to work individually with each customer, which increases the likelihood of obtaining a visa under any circumstances.
For all questions
It is quite difficult to collect documents for such a visa, so you will need the qualified assistance of a competent specialist.
Extensive Experience
We have been working in this field for many years, so we can tell you how to win over the members of the commission and what achievements should be emphasized.


Stages of obtaining a startup visa

The service of obtaining a visa to Spain for a startup includes comprehensive work with each customer:

Preparation & Consulting
First, we will discuss your project and help you gather all the necessary documents to make it as attractive as possible.
Conclusion of the contract
Our company works in accordance with all legal norms, so we conclude a contract with each client.
As soon as all the data is received and the document is collected, we will translate and fill out the resume. The finished package is sent to the registration department and all these actions can be performed remotely.
Issuance of a visa
As soon as we receive the decision, we notify the customers and help you to go through a short pickup procedure.

The cost of registration is calculated individually, so it is better to discuss this issue later with a representative of the company.